JE SUIS FATIGUE…now and then

Sitting here debating whether or not to take a nap on this lovely, cool, sunny with the promise of rain afternoon. Je suis fatigue.

I studied French in Jr. High. My sister, Ruth, was 7 years younger than I, and tried to learn it along with me. We learned many words and sentences…but the thing we remembered was “Je suis fatigue… Etes- vous fatigue (I am tired; are you tired)? “Je suis fatigue, etes-vous fatigue?” for hello, good bye, whatever…”our inside joke, as it were. 😉 Even now, at 72, and Ruth has been gone for 18 years, I say it almost every day. This very morning, after mowing the lawn, and digging out dandelions, I finally stopped, took a deep breath… “Je suis fatigue…etes-vous fatigue?” directed at the neighborhood cat overseeing my work who just stared back at me -she apparently doesn’t speak French…HA. Then I chuckled and went searching for another cup of coffee. Life is good in any language and in any company, eh? 😉

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